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Christos Nikola

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Οτιδήποτε δημοσιεύεται από Christos Nikola

  1. Danae Petrou, Good Evening I am Chris. I finished my studies back in july 2018 almost a year ago, came to ireland Septemebr and got registered with IMC in November. I started as an SHO in Medicine in the University Hospital Kerry on January 14th and currently doing my 6 month contract until july the 7th. First of all as an EU its relatively easy to start somewhere quickly, there is always a job available somewhere. I recommend you start seeing the options available in the southern part of the country, you should forget dublin area, noone is gonna take you without experience. Dermatology SHO is impossible, dermatology is one of the most diffficult specialities here in ireland, even if you finish BST with RCPI its notoriously difficult to get the position afterwards. Its a wise idea to find a position in Medicine first and then move on. I recommend you move to ireland without a job initially and stay here, no one is gonna offer you work while you being in greece(thats not surprising that they dont reply). Consultants love to see people in real life and observe the communication skills and see what you got in real life. Its really expensive here but i think thats the key for you to step your foot in the health care system. Personally the most important think to take in account is that the applications for postgraduate training open in December, prior to applying you must have a 6 month rotation as an SHO in Medicine if you want to have a chance in the interview and commence your training. Lastly depends what you want to train at: If you want to do Derma, you must do BST (Basic Special Training) with RCPI (Royal College of Physicians in Ireland) x2years and then about 6 years derma and finally you can call your self a specialist and a consultant ! If you want to become a GP the same approach you apply in october december and training lasts 4 years. Thats all what i have to say, i crammed everything in a brief manner If you require more info dont hesitate to write down Den einai dyskolo thelei ypomonh !
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